Case: How SBAB replaced old legacy systems and halved its lead times
Kategori: In English
Challenge-driven Innovation using Hackathons (eng)
(There’s a swedish version of the article here) We got the chance to interview Mikael Hautala from Industryhack. Industryhack has arranged several open innovation contests, called ”hackathons” in Finland, Estonia and Germany, in both the private and public sectors. The reason why clients pursue challenge-driven innovation using hackathons is that they want a more innovative procurement process. Private companies that…
Video: iZettle – Using Agile Contracting to go from idea to improving business in 6 m
This is a video of Maria Izzo’s presentation – ”iZettle – Using Agile Contracting to go from idea to improving business in 6 months”on our conference ”Agile Procurement for Business Agility” in Stockholm, October 2018″. We´re so thankful for Marias great contribution and for letting us tape the talk and share it with you here too. Enjoy!
Description of the talk
Maria Izzo, Automation Lead at iZettle, talks about how they refactored their CRM system merging two off-the-shelf solutions using Agile Contracting. These tools enabled them to go from idea, to working solutions in just 6 months. An interesting aspect of the challenge is that this involved updating critical business processes, around the globe.
About Maria
Maria Izzo is the Automation Lead at iZettle. The multifaceted nature of her background tells the story of a person who loves to learn, be curious and see the world. Her dream is to live in a world where humans can spend most of their time traveling, thinking, creating and exploring.
This is what inspires her every day to act upon the closest small-scale environment at hand – work – and strive toward simplifying and innovating small and big things whenever there is the opportunity.
She has found purpose in working hard to make processes easier, enable people to focus on what matters the most at work and decrease wastes of time spent on redundant, frustrating, unnecessary tasks.
Video: Disruptive digitalisation – Åland style – Commission for Digitization of the Åland Islands
This is the video of Victoria Sundberg’s talk – ”Disruptive digitalisation – Åland style” – at our conference ”Agile Procurement for Business Agility” in Stockholm 2018. We´re so thankful for Victorias great contribution and for letting us tape the talk and share it with you here too. Enjoy!
Description of the talk
How do you kickstart the digitization of a society? Learn how Åland hit the ground running with their digitization with clever use of social media and hackathons. This enabled them to turn ideas into working prototypes within a matter of months.
About Victoria
Victoria Sundberg works at Business area manager for Card & Mobile payments at Crosskey Banking Solutions. Crosskey is a company that have a strong record within building and delivering solutions for financial institutions. Crosskey is an agile development company where Victoria has taken a strong leadership within driving the agile implementation. In 2017 Victoria was appointed as chairman of the Commission for Digitization of the Åland Islands, by the government in the Åland Islands. The goal for the commission is to increase the level of digitalization in Åland and to do it at a faster pace than what has earlier been achieved and with new ways of working.
Video: Hur SBAB styckade elefanten och upptäckte egenskaperna bakom ett fungerande agilt avtal
The video is in English.
Det här är en inspelning av Maya Jernströms (SBAB) presentation – ”Hur SBAB styckade elefanten och upptäckte egenskaperna bakom ett fungerande agilt avtal” – från’s konferens ”Agile Procurement for Business Agility” i Stockholm, oktober 2018. Vi är väldigt tacksamma för att Maya och SBAB så generöst delar med sig av sina erfarenheter till deltagarna – och även låter oss dela detta här som video. Stort tack Maya!
Hur SBAB styckade elefanten och upptäckte egenskaperna bakom ett fungerande agilt avtal
Beskrivning av föreläsningen
Hjälp! Läget är akut och vi måste byta ut våra bassystem som verksamheten vilar på samtidigt som vi behöver modernisera vår systemplattform. Vi hade en stark känsla av att enda sättet att lyckas var genom att göra implementationen i små värdeskapande steg. Så hur styckade vi denna elefant och hur påverkade det kontraktet som vi hade med vår leverantör av det nya systemet? Avtalet, som kommit att spela en central roll i styrningen av projektet, har inte lämnats oberört.
Låt oss berätta om våra viktigaste lärdomar kring hur vi styckade elefanten och vikten av tillit för att få till agila kontrakt.
Om Maya
Maya Jernström har lång erfarenhet av att leda arbete med agil transformation i olika branscher och inom både projekt och linjeverksamhet. Organisationerna, produkterna och/eller projekten har varit komplexa och krävt agil skalning i olika former. Maya ser vikten av att få det agila genomslaget i hela organisationen eller hela projektet för att få full effekt. Det räcker inte med att en avdelning arbetar agilt lika lite som det kommer fungera om ett avtal inte anpassas till agila kärnvärden.
Video Keynote: Experimentation in US federal procurement: 30 days or less for an agile team
This is the video of Joshua Seckel talk – ”Experimentation in US federal procurement: 30 days or less for an agile team” – at our conference ”Agile Procurement for Business Agility” in Stockholm. We´re so thankful for Joshuas great contribution and for letting us tape the talk and share it with you here too. Enjoy!
About the talk
Often the federal procurement cycle takes years to complete and often the requirements that were defined at the time the cycle started are outdated by the time a team is starting work. USCIS has executed several experiments in the procurement process to try to get to 30 days or less to awarding a contract. See the results of how these experiments have gone and how they have been applied to much larger DHS wide procurements.
About Joshua
Joshua Seckel has been working as both a contractor and a federal employee to improve federal information technology delivery, including procurement and execution. He has brought innovative ways of evaluating and delivering contracts ranging from several thousand to over a billion dollars. His more than 20 years of experience leading development of software solutions for federal entities at DHS, the US Marine Corps, Air Force, Treasury, and USAIDHe is currently Sevatec’s Chief Solutions Architect for Agile/DevSecOps.
How iZettle used Agile contracting to replace legacy systems with off-the-shelf solutions in 6 months (eng)
iZettle replaced their legacy CRM systems with off-the-shelf solutions using Agile contracting. The enabled them to go from idea, to working solutions in just 6 months. An interesting aspect of the challenge is that this involved updating critical business processes, around the globe. We interviewed Maria Izzo (Automation Lead) to learn how they did it. (this article is also available…
The ”30-day procurement challenge” – how US Citizen and Immigration service attracted more skilled vendors and improved quality (eng)
(This article is also available in swedish – read here.) We took the opportunity to talk to Joshua Seckel, who has used Agile procurement within the US Government since 2013. Using these techniques, US Citizenship and Immigration Services has improved quality, drastically cut the speed of delivery and has attracted more skilled vendors to their programs. We wanted to learn…